Telemedicine: Revolutionizing Medical Consultations

  • 10 Jun 2024
  • Public Awareness

By: Teleprac Team

Telemedicine as a medical service dissemination simply refers to healing from a distance. It gives a person an option to receive treatment without him/her needing to schedule an in-person appointment or going to hospital and waiting in long standing queues. Through telemedicine, one can receive the medical attention by a simple video or phone call and offers diverse benefits viz-a-viz health and convenience. Using this service remotely, it is now possible to receive all kinds of medical, diagnostic and counselling-related services at one’s home comfort without the need going for in-person consultation. Also, by providing second opinions more easily and faster, telemedicine makes better the patient and physician experience and thus provides an improved healthcare outcome, which primarily is the goal of all healthcare providers.

With the advent of information technology, more and more healthcare providers started telemedicine consultations providing patients with an opportunity to receive medical attention through virtual appointments. This mode of healthcare system is now expanding at a pace faster than before particularly considering the COVID-19 pandemic and thereby offers many advantages over conventional in-person appointments. Among many benefits, telemedicine offers comfort and convenience where a patient doesn’t need to drive to the doctor’s office or clinic, rather one can avail healthcare facility from the comfort of one’s own bed or sofa. With telemedicine option in hand, one doesn’t need to take leave from the office or quit work whatever the case may be and therefore fits easily into our busy working schedule.

Of late, COVID pandemic significantly restricted the movement of people from their homes to usually jam-packed marketplaces in pursuit to control the spread of infectious illness. It is where telemedicine as a medical service dissemination tool has taken up the pace and is now the most preferred way of availing healthcare facility. Telehealth in a sense is not only a service but a way to improve the healthcare by interacting with the patients with more security, privacy and offering with an extended window of freedom to talk your health care professional for desired outcomes.

As the popularity of telemedicine is growing with each passing day, many health insurance agencies have already started to cover telemedicine visitations giving the fact this sort of patientcare is going to totally replace the in-person visitation to clinics in the times to come. Also, with the growing and busy working schedule and rising infectious diseases taking their course by and large across the globe, telemedicine holds the future.

Although, telemedicine doesn’t mean or totally rules out the in-person consultation which is solely dependent on the type of illness and the healthcare needed in a more personalized approach. But it does make health care more accessible and affordable in most of the cases, if not all and with a relative ease at the comfort of our homes. With telemedicine taking up the pace elsewhere in world as well as in the country, Kashmir being a geographically isolated state still lags in having such facilities at the helm available to the residents. Keeping in mind the dire need, TELEPRAC based at Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir came up with the novel idea of creating a medical history of masses and save their resources and provide them services which could be availed even from the remotest part of the country. TELEPRAC is endeavoring to offer affordable healthcare, diagnostic and pharmacy benefits one can get anywhere in Jammu & Kashmir. At a single phone click, you can now book Doctors appointment, your quality medicines, diagnostics tests, buy medical devices or avail immediate medical attention and that too from the comfort of your homes, offices or wherever you are in the country. Finally, it will reduce wait times and improve access to care for patients.  For more details and benefits please, visit and be the part of change.

Issued in public interest by TELEPRAC Healthcare | Anytime | Anywhere

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Telemedicine platform allowing you to connect with Doctors/Lab/Pharmacy from the comfort of your home.

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